There are 6 basic human needs. It is generally understood that 4 of these are base needs and the last 2 are considered spiritual needs. Every human being is driven by two of these as the most important in his/her life.
The six are:
Certainty - stability, knowledge that their basic survival needs will be met. Also that there are things a person can count on in their daily lives.
Variety or uncertainty - having things be different, change. This is a very important need and it can conflict with the need for certainty, creating a certain tension for the individual.
Significance - everyone needs to feel important and noticed by others. It can be done in a positive way by doing something that is deserving of and receives notice in the eyes of others. On the other hand, if the person feels he or she cannot gain significance in a positive way, they might choose to gain it by expounding on the enormity of their problems and their own helplessness. This is akin to the child who only gains attention from adults by acting out, any attention is better than no attention.
Love and connection - the need to feel loved or connected to others or even themselves. This might also come in the form of a spiritual connection.
The 2 spiritual needs are:
Growth - it has been said that that which is not growing is dying. This is, in a sense, very true. Gaining new knowledge or skill is one way to growth. There are many paths to personal growth, most human beings realize the need for it, even if it is subconsciously.
Contribution - this has a bit of an overlap with significance. People want to contribute, to make the world a better place or help others. Survival and advancement of humankind depends on contribution. And, of course, the person can gain significance through his or her contribution.
The question is which of thse are the driving forces in your life? And are you even aware of which hold the highest importance?
Pondering on these questions can lead to some very positive results. Greater self knowledge can drive your quest for excellence and happiness in life.
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