Friday, September 4, 2009

Believe in Yourself

Are you kidding? It is much easier to believe in someone else and allow that person or institution to handle aspects of your life. However, believing in yourself is the way to make life work the way you envision.
Remember when you were young and had a good number of ideas about who and what you would like to be? Many people had dreams and day dreams about excelling in sports or music or any other pursuit. What happened to those dreams? Too often life interfered with them, either through the necessities or perceived necessities of making a living and/or supporting others.
Dream big and believe in those dreams. Yes, you have the capacity to live up to those dreams as long as you are willing to believe in yourself.
I can hear the responses now: “I’m too old.” Or “I have to take care of my job, family, and/or business.” Possibly it’s “I’m not a kid anymore, I can’t just do what I’d like to do.” All of these are the very foundation of why you have not made the strides you wish you had.
Take a deep breath and dive into the pool. Be willing to allow yourself to allocate some of your resources to becoming the person you want to be. These can be time, money or just a willingness to be yourself and let the critics be ignored.

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